B.S. Biochemistry, California State University – Los Angeles, 2019.
Ernesto Castellanos graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry from California State University – Los Angeles, in 2019. At Cal State LA, he worked under Dr. Nathan Lanning, elucidating the effects of adenylate kinase 4 expression on the energy-regulating AMPK and proliferative mTOR pathways in cervical cancer cells. While there, he also worked with Dr. Alison McCurdy focusing on improving the calcium selectivity and binding affinity of photochromic naphthopyran-derivatives for biological applications. In December 2019, Ernesto joined the group of Prof. Selvan Demir, at Michigan State University. His current research comprises the characterization low-dimensional magnetic materials with rare earth metals, as well as the synthesis of organometallic lanthanide and actinide compounds for reactivity studies. In addition to inorganic synthesis, he is profoundly interested in the electronic structure of f-block complexes and employs experimental and computational approaches in his research to better understand it. Feel free to contact Ernesto through email: castel78@msu.edu

When Ernesto is not in the glovebox, he’s out there tending to his garden, brewery hopping, conquering Skyrim, and looking forward to visiting his family, two dogs, and the beach.

The cover art depicts a restaurant setting, which highlights the structure of the first homoleptic sandwich complex containing dibenzocyclooctatetraenyl ligands. The cyclic voltammogram and 89Y NMR spectra are showcased in chalk and ketchup, respectively. The yellow EPR spectrum is evidence for the redox-active nature of the title complex.
The medieval themed cover art illustrates the realization of the first series of salophen-bridged rare earth metallocene complexes. The magnet alludes to the single-molecule magnet behavior uncovered for the Dy congener.

Ernesto’s Publication List
- Linear, Electron-Rich Erbium Single-Molecule Magnet with Dibenzocyclooctatetraene Ligands Castellanos, E.; Benner, F.; Demir, S.* Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 9888–9898. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c00731.
- Linear, Electron-Rich, Homoleptic Rare Earth Metallocene and Its Redox Activity Castellanos, E.; Demir, S.* Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 2095–2104. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03735.
- Taming Salophen in Rare Earth Metallocene Chemistry Castellanos, E.; Benner, F.; Demir, S.* Inorg. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 1325–1336. DOI: 10.1039/D1QI01331A.
- Heteroleptic Rare-Earth Tris(metallocenes) Containing a Dibenzocyclooctatetraene Dianion Pugliese, E. R; Benner, F.; Castellanos, E.; Delano IV, F.; Demir, S.* Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 2444–2454. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03230.
- A Rare Earth Metallocene Containing a 2,2’-Azopyridyl Radical Anion Delano IV, F.; Castellanos, E.; McCracken, J.; Demir, S.* Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 15219–15228. DOI: 10.1039/D1SC04285H.